what are the things that increase our metabolism learn and live healthy

What AreThe Things That Increase Our Metabolism


We are at the beginning of a seasonal transition period again. The metabolism, which is subjected to temperature changes as the sun decreases and the weather gets cooler, gradually begins to go into hibernation mode. 

The first step for this is to resist the decreasing water demand; My system (there is a detailed explanation in my first article) is to increase water consumption, to activate your circulation, not to get edema, and to be able to remove the fat we burned from the body.

In fact, every season, but especially this season (flu season), our diet and the supplements we take under the supervision of a physician are very important.

Let's take a look at what and why while feeding

Onion and garlic; are our natural antibiotics. In order to get the "allyl sulfur" component in them, we must consume raw.

Selenium; supports the functions of the immune system. Brazil nuts are mostly found in fish, beef, turkey, chicken, eggs, rice, mushrooms, sunflower seeds, bananas and cashews. The amount of daily consumption varies from person to person, and dose adjustments are required under the supervision of the physician, especially for those with Hashimoto thyroid.

Magnesium; found in avocados, raw almonds and nuts, bananas, fatty fish, flax and chia seeds, legumes. It is important for body and especially brain health.

Zinc; It is abundant in meat, liver, seafood, milk, eggs and nuts. It supports the immune system and is essential for DNA synthesis and protein production.

C vitamin ; Green peppers, green leafy vegetables, kiwi, strawberry, lemon, citrus fruits and pomegranate. It is important for our immune system to stay strong and for our skin health. Since it is a water-soluble vitamin, not all of it is stored in the body.

Vitamin E ; It is a powerful antioxidant and anticoagulant. It is especially found in red and purple fruits, vegetables, meat and poultry, eggs and vegetable oils.

Vitamin A; Our eye health helps teeth and bone development and supports immunity. It is found in carrots, dried apricots, melon - fruits such as mango, egg yolk, fatty fish such as salmon, meat products, green and yellow vegetables.

Vitamin B; It is necessary for glucose metabolism and plays an important role in nerve, muscle and heart functions. Legumes and grains are important sources. B12; It is not found in vegetable sources, but is found in meat and dairy products, and eggs. Supplement is essential for vegans.

Vitamin D ; It is difficult to get all the food you need directly. Found in fatty fish, seafood such as oysters and shrimp, egg yolk, sun-exposed mushrooms. Life cycle and calcium - phosphorus absorption play an active role in bone health. It is anticancer, prevents depression, prevents diabetes, supports weight loss.

Omega; It is especially found in fish, milk and its group, meat and derivatives, green leafy vegetables, walnuts, flax seeds, healthy oils. The 3/6 balance is important. Since their production is not possible in the body, they are essential items that we need to buy from outside.

Probiotics; Found in kefir, fermented pickles and juices. It plays an important role in intestinal health and recovery of intestinal flora.

Herbal teas ; Sage, linden, green tea, rosehip, hibiscus, ginger tea, mint - lemon are teas with high antioxidant and vitamin C in this period. However, the issue of herbal tea is an issue that should be controlled. In special cases such as lactating and pregnant mothers, blood pressure and kidney problems, it should be taken under the control of a physician.

Regular sleep

Physical activity
