The easiest way to burn belly fat

In the light of current scientific data, we know that the fattening in the umbilical region causes the emergence of various chronic diseases and reduces the quality of life and life expectancy.

Depending on the sex hormones, this type of lubrication, which we encounter especially in men, is closely related to some women before and after menopause. So, what should be done to lose belly fat?

Burn Belly Fat With The Flat Belly Fix

This is the only 21-day rapid weight loss system that allows you to easily lose an average of 1 lb a day for 21 days without feeling hungry or deprived. The unique and brand new techniques used in this System are proven SAFE.

 And they do not cause the rebound weight gain common to all the other rapid weight loss systems that are not backed by the latest science. The Flat Belly Fix System takes advantage of a recent scientific discovery that proves the effective weight loss power of an ancient spice.

 Combined with other cutting edge ingredients in the patent pending Flat Belly Fix Tea™ — that you can make right in your own kitchen in minutes — this System is the quickest, easiest and most enjoyable way to quickly get the body you desire and deserve.

In this article, I will give you 12 effective ways to get rid of belly fat.

Prefer Soluble Fiber Foods

Studies have shown that consuming foods containing soluble fiber helps maintain a feeling of satiety. This contributes to weight loss by reducing the amount of calories entering the body.

Based on this information, you should take care to consume high-fiber foods every day. Foods with the highest fiber include flaxseed, oats, Brussels sprouts, radishes, broccoli, sweet potatoes, carrots, apples, avocados, figs, legumes, and blackberries.

Don't Eat Trans Fats

To explain briefly what is trans fat; We can say that they are formed by hydrogenation of unsaturated fats. Some margarines and packaged foods contain trans fat.

Several studies have linked trans fats with inflammation, heart disease, insulin resistance, and abdominal fat. Also, be aware that food labels may include the term "hydrogenated vegetable oil" instead of "trans fat".

Limit Alcohol Consumption

As you know, there is no such thing as weight-bearing alcohol. Many studies already show that high alcohol can also cause fat in your belly area. Therefore, alcohol consumption should be limited .

Eat Foods Containing Protein

Protein is a very important nutritional element for weight control. A diet model prepared with high protein foods will allow you to stay full longer. Protein also increases metabolic rate and prevents muscle loss during weight loss.

Many observational studies; It found that those who consumed more protein had less fat in their abdominal area than those who followed a lower protein diet. Protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, whey protein (protein powder) or beans must be included in every meal.

Learn What is Stress Management

Stress triggers the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. Studies have observed a relationship between high cortisol hormone and appetite. High cortisol levels can increase your appetite, leading to fat storage in the abdominal area (2).

Learn about methods such as yoga, pilates or meditation, and make stress control activities a part of your life (3). Overcoming stress will help you counteract the fat in your belly area.

Avoid Sugary Foods

Sugar contains two monosaccharides called glucose and fructose. Excessive consumption of sugar; It is linked to chronic diseases such as heart disease, Type-2 diabetes, obesity, and fatty liver.

In your daily diet, you should be careful to consume foods that contain sugar naturally such as honey, molasses and fruit along with foods containing table sugar.

Do cardio / aerobic exercise

It is possible to effectively reduce abdominal fat with aerobic movements. Cardio training is one of the most effective exercise methods to lose belly fat. But remember, the frequency and duration of your exercise program is more important than the intensity!

Limit Your Carbohydrate Intake

Some research shows that replacing refined carbohydrates with unprocessed starchy carbohydrates (complex carbohydrates) can improve metabolic health and reduce belly fat.

High quality carbohydrates should be preferred instead of pastry products such as cakes, cookies, opening and cereals made with rice and white flour. Consuming vegetables, legumes and whole grains will be more beneficial in dealing with belly fat.

Meet Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is among the healthiest oils you can eat. Controlled studies show that it can also lead to belly fat loss.

To increase the fat loss in the belly area, it is beneficial to take about 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of coconut oil daily.

Resistance Exercise (Weight Lifting) Do Not Neglect

Resistance training, also known as weight lifting or strengthening, is important for gaining and maintaining muscle mass.

A study in overweight teenagers showed that the combination of strength training and aerobic exercise provided the greatest reduction in visceral fat (visceral fat).

 Consume Two Fish a Week

Eating oily fish or taking omega 3 supplements can improve your overall health. It has been observed that adequate amounts of omega-3 intake can reduce abdominal fat in people with liver fat.

Try to consume 2 to 3 servings of fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and anchovies per week. If you can't, you can also use omega 3 supplements.

Eat Probiotic Supplements or Take Probiotic Supplements

Taking probiotic supplements or consuming foods containing probiotics can positively affect the digestive system. Foods that are probiotics have many health benefits, including gut health and immune function.

There are also studies showing that beneficial gut bacteria can cause weight loss.


  1. Inclination with weights Inclination exercise with weights to strengthen the back This exercise is very close to the previous one: same starting position and same movement. But this time, you have to lift the weights 5 times in a row before reaching out to bring them back to their initial position.


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