how to get rid of headache

How to get rid of headache without medication

Drug-free solutions have become even more important in dealing with headaches triggered by hunger and thirst. For this reason, many people are searching online for ways to relieve headaches without medication. 

What are the causes of headache

It occurs for reasons such as acute sinusitis, dental problems, ear infections, influenza, glaucoma, cerebral vascular disorders, benign or malignant brain tumors, hypertension, and head trauma. Most headaches are innocent and the most common headache is tension headache and migraine headache.


Well, is it possible to relieve headaches with natural solutions when the future is unknown?

Sleep regularly

Of course, the relationship between sleep and headaches is clear. Just as insomnia can trigger headaches, sleeping too much will trigger both headaches and body aches. Although the total hours of sleep seem to be sufficient, intermittent sleep can also increase headaches as you cannot get a complete rest.

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Exercises

If you often have a headache, you must regulate your sleep and get enough sleep. Especially during the quarantine process, sitting without sleep at night and getting up too late during the day will trigger headaches. Our recommendation; By regulating your irregular sleep hours, without prolonging the daytime sleep much, if it is too suppressing, make a refreshing sleep for only 20 minutes and do not allow more daytime sleep.

Drink Sufficient Water

Insufficient water consumption causes dehydration of the body, also called dehydration, which triggers headaches. Especially in periods when the weather is hot, our body causes evaporation from the skin and loss of 500-700 milliliters of water through the respiratory tract.

A person who will lose at least 1 liter of water with urine should consume at least 2-2.5 liters of water a day. People who have difficulties in drinking water can be advised to drink the water by flavoring it. Put the sweet and strong aroma of fruits such as apple, pear, quince or lemon in 1.5 liters of water to be prepared fresh every day in the morning and let it sit. Consume this water slowly like a drink by keeping it with you all the time.

Use Aromatic Oils

Strong aromatic oils such as lavender, eucalyptus or peppermint oil can be used to reduce or relieve headaches due to their relaxing effects. These oils should not be taken orally, as they can have very strong aromas and effects. 1 drop of oil can be rubbed on the temples or a few drops of 1 bowl of boiled water can be used to smell the steam. They are good for both the soul and the body due to their relaxing properties and properties that open up the respiratory tract.

Benefit from Herbal Teas

Some herbal teas, which have been used for a long time and known beneficial effects, can also be used to relieve headaches. In addition to its relaxing effects, its antioxidant properties also provide additional benefits. Especially chamomile, ginger, sage and green tea will work well as pain relievers. However, the most important point to note here is that these herbal teas must be prepared individually and consumed fresh.

Mixing plants and / or keeping them for a long time can also be harmful as some harmful active substances may form. Herbal teas should be prepared by putting a sufficient amount of water that is slightly cooled to approximately 85-90 degrees after boiling for a while and waiting for 2-3 minutes and all should be consumed. The increased amount should be poured.

Apply a Cold or Hot Water Bag

Applying the cold water bag to the top of the head, temples and forehead area will be good for headaches, especially in migraine. However, during this application, the general body temperature of the patient should be normal and not cold.

Applying cold water bags to people who are already cold and cold may increase headache. The application of a hot water bag to the neck and upper back muscles may reduce or relieve pain, which will be more effective in tension headaches. The important point for both applications is that the cold or heat will not damage and burn the skin. Like hot, cold can burn and damage the skin.


Many people have already experienced that massage is good for headaches. However, there are points to be considered. Some people feel pain when touching the face or scalp, called "allodynia," during pain.

People with allodynia should not be massaged because it can make the pain worse. If there is no allodynia, the sweet-hard touches and strokes made without pressing too much on the temples, between the eyebrows, the scalp and the upper part of the neck can reduce or eliminate the pain. However, although very hard pressing, rubbing or squeezing seems to be relaxing for the moment, it may increase the pain even more as it will cause the muscles to harden later.

Massage of the neck muscles is a situation that needs to be a little more careful. If possible, it is best to have a professional massage. Spasm or neck straightening in the neck muscles is a very common condition because of the frequent posture and sitting disorders, and improper massage of this area may increase spasms and may increase pain. You should not press too hard, rub or squeeze the neck and upper back muscles.

Consult Breathing Exercises

Proper breathing and breathing exercises will help both to reduce headaches and to fall asleep easily. There are many different breathing exercise techniques, but I will suggest a very simple exercise:

After sitting and resting normally in a quiet, airy and spacious environment for about 5 minutes, it is also relaxing for 5 minutes, taking a slow and deep breath for 7 seconds, holding this breath for 4 seconds, giving the breath slowly and completely in 8-9 seconds. will be.

Take a warm shower

If your conditions are suitable, a not too hot shower will relax your muscles and will help relieve your pain.

If you have migraine, it will be good to wash your head for a short time with not too cold water at the end of your shower. It may not be good to do this in tension headaches.

Organize Ambient Light

If your environment is illuminated with very strong white light, you may be relieved to replace it with yellow light. In addition, resting in a dim or dark environment, especially in migraine patients, will help reduce pain, at least it will ensure that the pain does not increase.

Reduce Noise

Noise can be a cause that initiates or worsens the headache. If possible, reducing the noise level of your environment or being able to silence it completely can reduce or relieve your pain.

Especially in patients with migraine, the quiet environment becomes more important as the noise will increase the pain and it is intolerable.

Pay Attention to Your Food Choices

One of the most important factors that trigger headaches is hunger. Nutrition is of great importance to reduce the triggering of hunger headaches. Especially foods that are rapidly converted into sugar in the body or foods with direct sugar cause a rapid and intense insulin secretion and cause a further decrease in blood sugar approximately 1-2 hours after the meal, triggering the condition called hypoglycemia.

Hypoglycemia also triggers headache. Therefore, especially in suhoor, instead of fast carbohydrates (white flour foods, white rice, sugary sweets, dense sweet fruits, potatoes and other starchy foods) complex carbohydrate foods that cannot be converted into sugar quickly (unprocessed and non-branless flour cereals, dried legumes, nuts, green Choosing leafless vegetables) allows the sugar to pass into the blood slowly and prevents hypoglycemia.

In addition, complex carbohydrate consumption prevents weight gain. Of course, consuming protein foods and green leafy vegetables in sahur will prevent hypoglycemia and keep them full.

Do not neglect the outdoors, daylight and exercise

In a body that is constantly inactive, both blood circulation will slow down and some substances such as endorphins, enkephalin and adrenaline, which are secreted during movement and which give our body constructive, restorative and energizing, cannot be secreted, people feel more tired, energetic and unhappy.

Since both fatigue and unhappiness can trigger pain, non-strenuous daily exercise and movement will reduce your headaches or ensure they don't occur at all.

To exercise, you do not need to have perfect conditions such as a gym or large parks, open spaces. If you have a balcony or if you do not have a balcony, you can do stretching and stretching exercises in any environment by opening the windows in your largest room, allowing daylight and fresh air to enter.

Try To Cope With Stress

As the leading trigger of headaches, stress is of course the most important situation to deal with to reduce pain. Considering the fact that a stress-free life is not possible and even some stress is necessary for life, it will be enough to accept some of the stress and learn to cope with unnecessary and intense stress.

The formula for dealing with stress is not too complicated; If there is something you can do in the face of a stress factor, accept it if there is nothing you can do to solve it, or, best of all, get rid of.
